I volunteered to do table decorations. Gulp.
Since the group chose black and white with pink accents as the color scheme, I thought of a way to use pages of history as the visual. I have an old set of encyclopedias in the attic that I could never part with (called "The NEW Funk & Wagnalls" -- hah-ha!) that I dug out and scanned pages mentioning notable women. I trimmed, folded, and fashioned them into flower fans and glued them onto dowel rods.

Then, I remembered I purchased a set of ceramic numbers from a clearance rack a while back, knowing that someday I'd find a good use for them. The numbers helped fill the base of the glass vessels, to which I added some pink crinkly paper.

In the centerpiece I used larger ceramic balls with letters on them. Looking at this now, how fun would it be to make these flower fans out of spring colors for Mother's Day, or bold stripes for a child's birthday? You know..... have fun with it!

I think it all came together just fine at the brunch, alongside my humble home baked muffins (3 kinds) and blueberry brunch cake. (To find out about purchasing the display pieces: Hemingway Hurricane or the French Wire Tiered Stand, click here. They are part of the Willow House line.)

As I was working on this project, I thought about all the women in history who didn't have their stories told. And how remarkable the women were who garnered the esteem to land a page (or less) in my old encyclopedias. How women contributed to history loudly, in protest groups. Quietly, in sewing circles and prayer groups. Slyly, through dinner table conversations. Thousands and thousands of women who changed history in ways we will never know.
I am so thankful to be a part of the Lake County Women's Coalition and to have contributed in a very small way to their ongoing amazing efforts.